So, today was the first day I'd ever worked more than 8 hours at a job. I worked 9 hours today. My morning started out horrible. The AC is still broken. Which caused the bread in the retarder to proof way too much. I had to throw away over 60 uncooked loaves of bread today. I didn't know what to do about that at first though (with that much wasted bread I wanted to get my manager's approval first). She was camping at the lake though and I had a time trying to get ahold of her. Then, I had 46 loaves to start my day with is all. I got more out of the freezer but I had to wait for it to get ready. That made me a nervous wreck. I had 2 party trays I had to make first thing. That took up time I needed to prep veggies and meats. It was a good experience though because I had never done one on my own before. Hope I did it right. lol. Oh and the ice machine was broke so I had to make 2 trips to the Promenade Subway for ice.
Eventually my day got a little better. I mean the bad stuff stopped happening at least. lol. I was determined not to let it get worse though. Thankfully, it got to the point where the only bad thing was the heat. When I had last checked (about 2:30) our lobby was 85 degrees and the prep area felt a lot hotter than the lobby. Not much I could do about that though.
Well, now that I have some dinner and cold vitamin water in me I'm feeling a lot better. Off to do some laundry and maybe go swim. Army Wives later!!
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