Dumbledore was my cat. I got him 9 years ago. We had gone to visit family in Ohio and my aunt's cat had had a bunch of kittens. I fell in love with one. At first we were going to call him Popcorn because, well he loved popcorn. On the long drive back to Arkansas we decided on the name Dumbledore and started to get to know his personality. Boy did he have a personality. He was incredibly mean and evil to put it frankly. From the start, he was my cat. I loved him most and he tolerated me the most. It was a rough first couple of weeks. We quickly learned that for our safety he needed to be declawed. He loved to come into my room in the middle of the night and attack my head... with his claws out. He was a decent bed buddy. He did have a tendency to stretch out and dig his claws into my back to take over my bed though.
Sure, he got on our nerves sometimes. Like when he would rub up against us when we had on dark clothes. He had his quirks though. Who doesn't?
Recently though, Dumbles had been peeing all in the pantry where his litter box was. He would go right in front of his box even. We changed litters, scooped it more often, did everything we could think of. Everyone was getting tired of it, especially mom who always cleaned it up. So this morning, dad took him to the vet to find out why he was doing it. Dumbledore was suffering from kidney failure and had to be put down.
RIP Dumbledore