I didn't write yesterday and to be quite honest I have no idea what to write about today. My solution? Just write whatever comes to mind for a few paragraphs. If it's random or doesn't make sense I'd like to apologize. Especially since I'm flipping back and forth from writing this and reading Coastie Chicks. By the way... shout out to who ever my reader(s) from clearwater is/are! I like the feedjit thing that lets me see. lol
Today I rented Dear John. I had already seen it in theaters but it was one of those movies that I just needed to watch again. While watching it I got the sudden urge to write Jeff. He isn't underway or anything right now so I can talk to him as I usually do. I didn't really care. I've always been a fan of writing him letters although I'm not sure how he likes them. I'd imagine he doesn't mind. Who knows though because I usually write the stuff I don't want to say in our nightly conversations. I can get my emotions and feelings out so much better through writing. I did promise him a special letter as the next one, at the end of the one I wrote today. When he is underway I don't write him a ton of letters since 1.) they don't get mail that often and 2.) we constantly email each other. I do, however, write in a journal everyday. I gave him the journal I used after our first patrol together. I didn't write as much during the last patrol so I'm just going to put this patrol in that journal as well.
I really want to go shopping. I haven't been in forever. Sadly, I have no money right now. I don't even really "need" anything. Well, I actually do need shorts seeing as I only have 1 pair of jean ones. New flip flops would be nice too. I don't think I'll be able to do much saving when I first get a job. I'm so far behind on my shopping. lol. I also am thinking about getting an iPhone. Walmart is putting the 3Gs on sale for $97 to make room for the new 4G phone and well, my contract has been up for quite some time. Oh and don't forget my tattoo, but I already have that money saved up and separated so I don't spend it on something else. I just can't decide what I want. I know I want shooting stars, but there are so many options. I'll post a few that I like at the end of this blog. Let me know what you think.
So it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to figure out what to write. lol. I have a pretty busy day tomorrow, thankfully. And I'm looking forward to this weekend. Camping all weekend at Lake Fort Smith with family friends.
Until next time.

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