Tonight Zan and I were talking and he mentioned how a bunch of his friends were going to talk to recruiters after school today. I asked which branches and he told me that 4 were going to talk about flying with the Navy and 3 the Marines. Later on we discussed what branches and jobs we would want in the military. I said that I would only join 2 branches (one is because I'm a little biased), the Coast Guard and the Air Force. Zan would only join the Air Force. Of course two of the jobs that he would want to do he wouldn't be able to because his sight is too bad. He'd want to be a pilot, fly an ROA, or be a mechanic on helos. As for me, the only thing I can think that I'd want to do is be a pilot. I've always had an attraction to planes. :) If I couldn't do that I'd be happy with any other one that could potentially land me at the Pentagon. Oh and by the way, the only way I'd join is if I could be an officer.
I guess that it just got me thinking. Are we the only ones that think about this but do nothing about it? Is it normal to think about it but not have the intention to do it? We've had plenty of family in the military. My grandfather was in the Air Force, my uncle and aunt in the Army, another uncle and cousin in the Navy, and a cousin (my age) in the Air Force. There's probably more but at the moment I can't think of them. I guess we need someone to join the Coast Guard and the Marines and we can have had every branch covered at some point in time. :)
Just my little rant for the night I guess. Time to write uncle a letter now and go to sleep.
Until next time.
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