We had been stuck on a plane at the terminal for at least 3 hours at this point.
Hello blog world. I'm not sure how long I'll stick with this to be quite honest but I'll continue to write as long as I have something to say.
Jeff and I had a conversation for the ages tonight. Did I react the way I should have? No. I should have been more like the adult I am. I need to find a job, but I need to find a job for me. Saving money for us is a benefit of the job and not the reason for me to get one. I need to go to school if it's the thing that I think is best for me right now. I need to do more things for me. I love us. Us is the best thing to happen to me since well, us the last time. lol
Actually, I'm watching Army Wives right now and I realized that I never want to be the "stay at home military wife." No offense to any that do that, it's just not who I am. I once has aspirations to be in politics in Washington. Those days may be gone due to well, my lack of ability to lie but my big dreams don't have to be. And sure, maybe I don't have as big of plans or goals right now but I think that once I figure out exactly what is I want to do now, I'll of course shoot for the top. That's who I am. If I were a politician I'd settle for nothing less than President. If I were in the military then I'd work my ass off to be an Admiral. I suppose that if I'm a teacher I had might as well shoot for principal or superintendent. As with all of the of things it will take a long time to work towards, years of schooling (late nights getting a masters and teaching) and years of kissing butts. Haha just kidding about that. Is this something I can achieve alongside (not behind) Jeff? Without a doubt. If my dad can get his degree over 10 years after his first attempt and with a wife and 2 kids to support while also working full time... then I know I can do it. I'll have none of those to distract me. Of course I can say that because well Jeff isn't a girl so it won't be a wife I have. :)
I'm always going support Jeff in whatever he does. He's my rock and I know I can always count on him being there. I think I let the distance get to me. The more free time I had, the more I could talk to him. After all, all we have right now are the phone calls and texts. I don't get to see him after work everyday or even every weekend. I cherish that week I get every couple of months though. In the end, I know it has made us stronger. I know that without a doubt that we will last because seriously if we can make it the first (sorta) year (in 9 days) of our relationship with me being able to count the days we've physically been together, then I know we can make it through anything.
So, I learned tonight that I need to relax and live for me more. I learned that the little scenarios I make up in my head are sooooooooo wrong. I learned that I need to find the happy median of leading and following (I guess just being side by side). I have to admit though I will not be sending fewer texts throughout the day and will still look incredibly forward to when I get to see him next.
Until next time!
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