Sunday, May 9, 2010


Disclaimer: I realize I am not a parent and thus am not giving tips or suggestions. I am not responsible for any offense that is taken to my blog. It contains my feelings and mine alone.

Today we took mom to Silver Dollar City for mother's day. She wanted to see the Fiery Fiddles and today was the last day of World Fest. While at the park I experienced several acts by parents that really sent upset me. I realize that I am not a parent and have no intentions being one within the next 5 years of my life. I do; however, know that I will not be one of these parents.

The first thing I'd like to talk about is something that I have been against for quite some time. I actually think I belong to a facebook group against it. lol. What is it you ask? Child leashes! Your child is not a dog. They are a person. I would not want someone to put a leash on me. I would behave worse personally. Of course I'm a rebellious adult now. Zan always asks if he can get "one" when we pass a child on a leash. He promises to feed and water it everyday. Then mom tells him it will grow up. I must admit that it is funny. I realize that most do it to keep their kids from running away. Well, I have a few solutions... hold the child, put him/her in a stroller, or don't bring him/her. What kind of ride is a 2 year going to go on in the park anyway? Especially when you're in the part of the park with the "big kid" rides. DON'T TREAT YOUR KIDS LIKE A DOG.

The next thing to bother is that it is International Fest right now. There are people working at the park who are from all over the world. Children don't have filters. They don't always know what is the right thing to say and what's the wrong thing. When your child goes up to someone who looks different than them and makes a negative remark about their race then you need to blame yourself! Where else are they going to learn that from? A few years ago my family went on a trip out west. We were at Yellowstone National Park and I was listening to a thing about the volcano there in spanish, just so I could see how much I could understand. A kid, who was between the ages of 6 - 8 years old, comes up to me. He pushes the button for english and says "This is America, speak American." Where do you think he learned that? His parents. So now we're raising our kids to think that "America" is the superior race. That all others are the foreign bad guys. It is going to be a generation full of racists!!! Lesson here... WATCH WHAT YOU SAY IN FRONT OF YOUR KIDS.

Ok my final rant of the night was brought on by the lady sitting in front of me on the tram ride back to the car. Her kid was on a leash by the way. The tram started to stop at the first stop and the kid was sliding off of his seat and bouncing around (just from the bumps, not on purpose). Instead of putting her hand in front of him to protect him or nicely asks him to scoot back, she starts screaming at him. She's yelling, at this boy who couldn't have been more than 3, to sit back in his seat. She grabs a loop on his leash and pulls him violently back into the seat, where he hits his head on the hard plastic seat back. Then she's yelling at him to stop leaning on her bag because he's going to break her handblown cross. Are you freaking kidding me?? I couldn't help but think about that one... her handblown cross? She's practically abusing her leashed child but heaven forbid he breaks her christian cross while he's just wanting her because he's hurt. Oh that really bothered me that she cared more about that than her child. HUMAN LIFE > MATERIAL OBJECTS

I know that if I ever become a parent that I will not be perfect. Nobody is perfect. I do know though, that I would teach my child not to run away from me as my mom did with me. I know that I will not let my child think that he/she is superior to anyone else. We are all the same. And I also know that my child will come before any possession I have, no matter the value.

Until next time.

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